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Why Does My Vape Pen Taste Burnt

Why Does My Vape Pen Taste Burnt? A Guide to Troubleshooting Burnt Hits

A burnt vape is an unpleasant experience for any vaper. That perfect flavor you love is replaced by a harsh, acrid taste that can ruin your entire vaping session. But fear not! Burnt hits are a common occurrence, and there are several reasons why they happen. This guide will delve into the most common culprits behind a burnt vape and provide solutions to get you back to enjoying your favorite e-liquids.

Understanding the Cause: Coil, Wick, and E-Liquid

To fix a burnt hit, we need to understand what’s happening inside your vape pen. The key players are the coil, the wick, and the e-liquid.

  • Coil: The coil is a metal heating element responsible for vaporizing the e-liquid. It consists of a wire wrapped around a wicking material, typically organic cotton. When power is applied, the coil heats up, turning the e-liquid into vapor that you inhale.
  • Wick: The wick is responsible for delivering e-liquid to the coil. It sits inside the coil and constantly soaks up e-liquid from the tank or pod. As the coil heats up, the e-liquid in the wick vaporizes.
  • E-Liquid: E-liquid is the flavored liquid used in vapes. It contains propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG), flavorings, and optionally, nicotine.

When these three components work together harmoniously, you get a smooth and flavorful vape. However, if the balance is disrupted, a burnt hit occurs. Here’s how:

  • Dry Wick: If the wick doesn’t have enough e-liquid to keep up with the heating coil, the cotton itself will start to burn. This results in a dry, burnt taste.

  • Burnt Coil: Continued use of a wick with insufficient e-liquid will eventually burn the coil itself. A burnt coil is beyond saving and needs to be replaced.

Troubleshooting Burnt Hits: Common Causes and Solutions

Now that we understand the cause of burnt hits, let’s explore the most common reasons they occur and how to fix them:

1. Low E-Liquid Level

The most common reason for a burnt hit is simply running out of e-liquid. When the e-liquid level drops too low, the wick can’t keep up with the heating coil, resulting in a dry hit and a burnt taste.

  • Solution: Develop a habit of checking your e-liquid level regularly. Most vape tanks have a viewing window that allows you to see the remaining e-liquid. Refill your tank or pod whenever the level gets low.

2. Improper Coiling and Priming

New coils need to be primed before first use. Priming involves manually saturating the wick with e-liquid to ensure it’s properly soaked before firing the device.

  • Solution: Always prime your new coils by dripping a few drops of e-liquid directly onto the exposed cotton. Let the coil sit for 5-10 minutes to allow the wick to fully absorb the e-liquid.

3. Incorrect Wattage Setting

Many vape pens allow you to adjust the wattage output, which controls the power delivered to the coil. Using a wattage setting that’s too high for your coil can burn the wick and produce a burnt taste.

  • Solution: Consult your vape pen’s manual or the coil manufacturer’s recommendations for the appropriate wattage range for your specific coil. Start with a lower wattage and gradually increase it until you find the sweet spot that delivers optimal flavor and vapor production without burning.

4. Inhaling Too Frequently or Deeply

Taking puffs too frequently or inhaling too deeply can overwhelm the wick’s ability to keep up with the coil’s demand for e-liquid. This can lead to a dry hit and a burnt taste.

  • Solution: Take slower, shallower puffs and allow the wick some time to re-saturate between puffs.

5. Using Thick E-Liquid with Low-Resistance Coils

E-liquids come in different VG/PG ratios. VG is thicker and produces thicker vapor clouds, while PG is thinner and provides a stronger throat hit. Low-resistance coils are designed for high VG e-liquids. Using a thick VG e-liquid with a low-resistance coil can cause wicking issues, leading to burnt hits.

  • Solution: Match your e-liquid to your coil. If you’re using a low-resistance coil, opt for a higher VG e-liquid (typically 70% VG or higher). Conversely, if you’re using a high-resistance coil, a thinner 50/50 PG/VG blend or even a higher PG e-liquid will work best.

6. Dead or Worn-Out Coil

Coils are not meant to last forever. Over time, the metal coil degrades, and the wick gets gunked up with residue from vaporized e-liquid. This can lead to burnt hits even if you’re following all the best practices.

  • Solution: There’s no reviving a dead coil. The only solution is to replace it with a new one. Most coils have a lifespan of 1-2 weeks, depending on usage and e-liquid. If you experience frequent burnt hits, consider replacing your coil more often.

7. Improper Storage

Extreme temperatures and direct sunlight can damage your e-liquid and coils, leading to burnt hits.

  • Solution: Store your vape pen and e-liquid in a cool, dark place. Avoid leaving your vape in a hot car or direct sunlight for extended periods.

8. Leaking Vape

Leaks can occur due to a variety of reasons, including a faulty coil, overfilling the tank, or using the wrong e-liquid viscosity. Leaking e-liquid can seep into the coil and cause burnt hits.

  • Solution: Identify the source of the leak and address it. Check for a damaged coil or ensure the tank is properly sealed. Use the appropriate e-liquid viscosity for your vape pen. If leaking persists, consult your vape pen’s manual or a vape shop employee for assistance.

Preventing Burnt Hits: Tips for a Smooth Vape

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the chances of experiencing burnt hits:

  • Develop a Refilling Routine: Make it a habit to check your e-liquid level regularly and refill before it gets too low.
  • Prime Every New Coil: Never skip priming a new coil. This ensures the wick is properly saturated before use.
  • Adjust Wattage Carefully: Use the recommended wattage range for your coil. Start low and increase gradually until you find the sweet spot.
  • Take Measured Puffs: Avoid chain vaping or inhaling too deeply. Allow the wick some breathing room to re-saturate between puffs.
  • Match E-Liquid to Coil: Use the appropriate e-liquid viscosity for your coil resistance.
  • Store Wisely: Keep your vape pen and e-liquid in a cool, dark place.
  • Regular Coil Maintenance: Replace your coils regularly, especially if you experience frequent burnt hits or a decline in flavor or vapor production.

By understanding the causes of burnt hits and following these preventive measures, you can enjoy a consistently smooth and flavorful vaping experience. If you’re still having trouble after trying these tips, consult your vape pen’s manual or visit a reputable vape shop for assistance. Happy vaping!

Weeds Leaf

The Weeds Leaf is an online CBD and Weeds magazine, who share an article about weeds, CBD, CBD Health, and Vapes. Please use this email [email protected] for any collaborations, advertorial placements, and others.

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