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How Do You Make THC Gummies


THC gummies offer a delicious and convenient way to enjoy the benefits of cannabis, whether for recreational or medicinal purposes. Making your own THC-infused gummies allows you to tailor the potency, flavor, and ingredients to suit your preferences. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of creating THC gummies at home, from gathering the necessary ingredients to measuring THC potency and addressing common questions.

Explore the World of Flavored Gelatin Treats!

Making your own flavored gelatin treats can be a fun and rewarding experience. You can control the ingredients, customize flavors and shapes, and create delicious snacks.

Here’s a guide to get you started:

Fruity Fun: A Guide to Making Gelatin Treats


  • Saucepan
  • Mixing bowl
  • Whisk
  • Spatula
  • Gummy molds (optional)
  • Cookie cutters (optional)


  • 1 cup flavored gelatin (your choice)
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/4 cup fruit juice (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon honey or sugar (optional)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Bloom the Gelatin: Pour the flavored gelatin into a bowl and add ½ cup of cold water. Let it sit for 5 minutes, allowing the gelatin to absorb the water and become fluffy.

  2. Heat and Dissolve: In a saucepan, heat the remaining ½ cup of water and fruit juice (if using) over low heat. Stir constantly until the gelatin mixture is completely dissolved. Avoid boiling, as this can prevent the gelatin from setting properly.

  3. Sweeten to Taste: If desired, stir in honey or sugar until completely dissolved.

  4. Molding Fun: Pour the gelatin mixture into your molds or a baking dish lined with parchment paper. If using cookie cutters, pour the mixture onto the parchment paper and wait for it to set slightly before using the cutters.

  5. Refrigerate and Enjoy: Place your molded gelatin treats in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, or until completely set.

Tips for Creative Treats:

  • Experiment with different flavored gelatin for variety.
  • Add a splash of juice for a touch of extra flavor.
  • Include small chopped fruit pieces into the molds for added texture.
  • For a layered effect, create multiple colors of gelatin and pour them carefully into the molds in sequence, allowing each layer to set slightly before adding the next.

Safety Considerations:

  • Always consult the package instructions for the specific gelatin brand you’re using.
  • Be mindful of allergies when choosing ingredients.
  • Store leftover gelatin treats in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Step-by-Step Guide

Now, let’s delve into the process of making THC gummies at home. Follow these simple steps to craft your own delicious and potent treats:

Step 1: Combine Water and Cannabis-Infused Oil

  • In a small saucepan, add ½ cup of cold water, ½ cup of cannabis-infused oil, and ½ teaspoon of sunflower or soy lecithin.
  • Place the saucepan over low heat and stir the mixture until the cannabis-infused oil is completely melted and well combined with the water.

Step 2: Add Gelatin

  • Once the oil is melted, continue stirring and gradually add the package of flavored gelatin and 2 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin powder to the mixture.
  • Stir continuously to ensure that the gelatin is fully dissolved and the mixture has a smooth consistency.

Step 3: Heat on Low

  • Keep the mixture on low heat and continue stirring for 10-15 minutes. Avoid letting the mixture come to a boil, as this can affect the gummies’ texture.
  • If you notice any white foam forming on the surface, remove it and lower the heat accordingly. The mixture should be smooth and well combined.

Step 4: Fill Gummy Molds

  • With the saucepan still on low heat, quickly transfer the mixture into your gummy molds using a funnel, squeeze bottle, or dropper.
  • Work efficiently to prevent the mixture from cooling down and separating. Continuous whisking can help maintain the mixture’s consistency.

Step 5: Freeze

  • Once the molds are filled, place them in the freezer for a minimum of 30 minutes to allow the gummies to set.
  • After the gummies have hardened to a firm but slightly tacky texture, remove them from the molds and place them on a piece of parchment paper to air dry.

Adding Cannabis to Non-Infused Gummies

If you prefer to infuse regular gummies with cannabis, you can follow a slightly different process. Here’s how:

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of warm water with ½ teaspoon of gelatin and let it sit for 5 minutes.
  • Add the gelatin mixture to 4 ounces of your choice of gummies and microwave until melted.
  • Once melted, add 1-2 teaspoons of cannabis-infused oil and combine thoroughly. Add lecithin if needed to help emulsify the mixture.
  • Pour the mixture into gummy molds and refrigerate for about 30 minutes. Allow the gummies to sit for an additional 24 hours to evaporate excess moisture.

Measuring THC Percentage

The potency of your THC gummies will depend on the strength of the cannabis oil used. Start with a low-THC strain and gradually increase potency to suit your preference. Experimentation is key to finding the right balance for your desired effects.

FAQs About Making THC Gummies

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about making THC gummies:

1. How long does it take to make cannabis-infused gummies?
  • The entire process typically takes about an hour, including preparation, cooking, and setting time in the freezer. The drying time may vary based on ingredients.
2. Why is decarboxylation necessary?
  • Decarboxylation is essential for activating the cannabinoids in cannabis, including THC and CBD, ensuring that they produce the desired effects when consumed.
3. Should I use oil or butter for making cannabis gummies?
  • While oil is commonly used for gummy recipes, you can experiment with different cannabis-infused mediums to find the flavor and texture that you prefer.
4. How strong should I make my THC gummies?
  • Start with a low potency and adjust gradually to find the right dosage for your tolerance level and desired effects.
5. How much cannabis should I add to my gummies?
  • The amount of cannabis used depends on personal preference and desired potency. Start with a small amount and adjust accordingly based on experience.

Crafting THC gummies at home allows you to personalize your cannabis consumption experience while enjoying the benefits of homemade treats. By following this step-by-step guide and experimenting with different ingredients and potency levels, you can create delicious and potent THC gummies tailored to your preferences. Remember to start with a low dose and gradually increase potency to find the perfect balance for your needs. Enjoy your homemade THC gummies responsibly and share the joy of homemade cannabis-infused treats with friends and loved ones.

Weeds Leaf

The Weeds Leaf is an online CBD and Weeds magazine, who share an article about weeds, CBD, CBD Health, and Vapes. Please use this email [email protected] for any collaborations, advertorial placements, and others.

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